Man makes external things beautiful and better, but his sinful bent needs a constant check from an absolute standard. That absolute standard is the Moral Law of God, critical for man’s code of conduct to have a peaceable family, civic communities and nations to survive.
It holds him accountable as it is deeply embedded in the multitude of laws in every nation. When that standard is removed from the public arena, a nation or a family looses it’s moral pinning and gradually deteriorates towards chaos and anarchy.
Secondly, if you’re a Christ believer, don’t be deceived that you are no longer constrained by the Moral Law now that you’re saved. It holds you accountable. You should be the first one to uphold it in your own life and in the society.
Moral Law is the anvil, which makes or breaks a family or a nation. There is no middle ground!
Need deliverance from crippling bondages running in a family? Generational curse can be overcome in a believer’s life through the cross of Christ. Eye opening truth that sets you free!
Can a genuinely born-again believer come under a curse? The Church has paid, and continues to pay, a colossal price for its negligence as well as ignorance of this truth – the generational curse.
While the Scriptures are not explicit, the underlying truth concerning iniquities and visiting iniquities makes it abundantly clear that a believer can come under the bondage of a generational curse.
The words transgression, sin, and iniquity show the progressiveness of human depravity in entertaining idolatry, which essentially causes him to break scriptural commandments. The believer does not lose his salvation for breaking any one of the scriptural laws, but the just consequences of such rebellion take their toll, not only on the perpetrator, but on the subsequent generations!
However, the believer can be set free from these nagging and crippling bondages through God’s provision in Christ.
When believers do not grow spiritually, they become liabilities to the body of Christ. Just like a newborn baby starts at the infant stage, but with time grows to be a fully mature adult, a newly born again believer goes through certain growth phases before he becomes a spiritually mature adult. Spiritual growth phases are clearly evident and unmistakable as seen throughout the New Testament epistles.
One of the dominant characteristics of the carnal believers is unbrokenness. God allows the chastening process, as if to chip away the outer man by periodic pain and affliction in the believer’s life.
As the believer grows, he can no longer feel peace while having inward hatred toward others. Spiritual growth is not human perfection, but having a willing and obedient heart and mind to walk in the ways of God in spite of the common struggles of life.