Amorites and the Sin of Unbelief


Perhaps this is all too common experience for believers who are praying for their friends or loved ones, but they do not come to the Lord for years and years. As I was thinking about the spiritual cause behind it, the Lord reminded me how the Amorites perished through this iniquity (sin of unbelief) in living God.

I dealt with this subject in my second book, ‘The Generational Curse’. The Amorites were Abraham’s friends, but God allowed Israelites to utterly destroy the Amorites on the way to Canaan. It is one of the fascinating stories dealing with the iniquities. There is a difference between transgression, sin and iniquity. The Bible used these 3 words to describe each circumstance!

“the sin of the Amorites is not yet.” Gen. 15:16b

Those of us, who came from Hinduistic or Muslim backgrounds, have come from generations of unbelief. The unbelief is so deep rooted that we are only at best 1st or 3rd generation believers. Gospel came to India via Thomas the Apostle, but as many as 15 to 20 generations may have perished in unbelief! Of course, God has His remnant in each generation who believed in Him, like Rehab, Ruth, Job, Nicodemus, Cornelius, etc.

Any deep rooted sin, which is a life style, becomes an iniquity. However, God in His sovereignty broke that iniquity, the sin of unbelief, and saved you & me. It was because someone consistently prayed for you & me. We are saved, but we can still see a whole generation of unbelievers among our own family, friends and colleagues.

Daniel was a righteous man, but he repented on behalf of his whole nation, and so were other prophets.

Think about your own salvation and the lengths God had gone to bring you into His kingdom. Think about the rebellion, unbelief, blindness you and I entertained about the God of the Bible.

I sincerely think perhaps the key to see our loved ones coming to know the Lord is to confess our own family’s sin of unbelief in the living God (which the Amorites didn’t do), and ask the Father God to break that iniquity. Do this first, and then start thanking God regularly for the deliverance of your family.

If we are honest, we can clearly see that every family is bearing the burden of some sort of iniquity tied to Adamic fall. May our great God give you grace to see it.

Blessings through His Excellent Name!

Articles Archive

Amorites and the Sin of Unbelief   April 2019

The church can’t afford to be anti-Semitic  Jan 2012

Israel – A Nation of Freedom  December 2014


The church can’t afford to be anti-Semitic


This is from my book, ‘The Generational Curse’, chapter 7.

“I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;”      Genesis12:3a

Dennis Prager, a scholar and a popular radio talk show host in the Los Angeles area wrote this article: “Those who curse the Jews and those who bless them,” on July 31, 2002. Speaking of curses that originate from hatred towards Jews, he reflects –

I am increasingly convinced that it is verifiably true.

I think of Spain, for example. One of the world’s mightiest powers and most developed cultures in the 15th century, in1492 it reached its zenith when it sent Christopher Columbus on a voyage that changed history. But the same year, it also expelled all its Jews and intensified the Spanish Inquisition against the many forced Jewish converts to Catholicism (conversos) . Spain then descended into a 500-year status as”the sick man of Europe,” along with the Ottoman empire.

I think of Germany(and Austria) as the cultural and intellectual center of Europe, if not the world, before World War II. Then Germany(with Austrians’ help) murdered nearly every Jew in Europe.Germany lost over seven million people, was divided for a generation, and while it now thrives materially, culturally Germany has become irrelevant. Ask anyone, even an intellectual, to name one living German.

And I think about the world today. Look at who most blesses the Jews and who most curses them, and you decide whether the verse in Genesis has validity. 

It is the United States that has, since its inception, most blessed the Jews and that does so almost alone today — in its support of the Jewish state against those who wish to exterminate it. By almost any reckoning, America has been, and remains, the most blessed of countries.

And it is the Arab world that curses the Jews. It rivals Nazi Germany for the ubiquity and intensity of its Jew-hatred. Look at its state. According to Arab scholars appointed by the United Nations to report on the state of Arab society, that part of the world lags behind the rest of humanity, including in most instances sub-Saharan Africa, in virtually every social, moral and intellectual indicator. And there is no question but that its half-century long preoccupation with destroying Israel has only increased the Arab world’s woes. 

No one can prove it is God who actively blesses those who bless the Jews and curses those who curse them. But, at the same time, the evidence historically and this very moment suggests that there is indeed a real connection between the state of a society and its treatment of the Jews.

Israel – A Nation of Freedom


We visited Israel in Feb 1997 while we were on an expat assignment at Avezzano, Italy. Josh was barely two years, still on a stroller. Our 12 day trip consisted of round trip from Rome to Tel Aviv, rental car and three Kibbutz hotels at Dor on West coast, eastern shore of Sea of Galilee, and Maale Hachimisha at Jerusalem. The security procedures at El Al terminal were as tough as they are post 9/11 in US. We were even stripped off fruit knives. 

The interesting thing that struck me odd at Israel embassy in Rome – I was asked to choose whether I wanted Israel visa attached as a clip on to my passport, or stamped inside a passport page. The reason was straight and simple – other Middle Eastern nations would not allow our entry into their nations if they see Israel visa on our passport. I had to make a choice.  Later I learned that a few immediate neighbors of Israel (Jordan & Egypt) were ok to have a foreigner having Israel visa inside their passport, but the rest of Middle East was not.

Our primary desire to was to see ancient biblical sites spread across the nation, get a feel of the terrain, and of course, some general sight seeing. We criss-crossed the country a few times on that small Fiat Uno from Golan heights to dead sea, through West Bank, Bethlehem, and all the way to Masada. An Israeli soldier cautioned us not to get out of the road while driving through Golan heights. It is the most guarded area next only to DMZ line at North Korea to prevent a Syrian ground invasion from the north.  PLO was the operational authority in both West Bank and Gaza.

Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs were part of Israel civic and social life in every echelon. They are well respected Israeli citizens. Recently Secretary of State John Kerry was blasted for using the word ‘apartheid’ referring to Israel. Rightly so. Israel is the only true democracy with representation from all people groups in the Middle East! Of the 8.2M Israeli population, Arab Muslims and Arab Christians constitute 21% (1.7M), and non-Arab Christians and Bahai make up 4.2% (0.36M).

Is there a Muslim nation where Jews are allowed, much less occupy the positions of power? The word apartheid does not apply to Israel, but to some of its neighbors very well. Of course, the arch-enemy of Israel, Iran goes to lengths to demean Israel at every turn and expresses a fervent desire to annihilate Israel. It is unheard of a modern nation that faces that level of ridicule and constant hatred from a neighboring heads of the state.

Syria and Egypt routinely chose questionable means to defend their nations from supposed internal enemies, and in the process may have killed about half a million people in the last 2-3 years.  UN and the rest of the world says nothing, or their saying doesn’t make a difference. Israel does the same thing to defend itself from maniacal Hamas, and the world howls as if the forces of Mordor are let loose. The world loses sense and rational when it comes Israel!

Which of you reading this brief be ready to accept 200-400 rockets randomly lobed into your neighborhood? How about 25 rockets? Hamas shot more than 4000 rockets into Israel, but thanks to Israel’s own technology, they were able to dismantle most of them mid-air. Navi Pillay, a rabid anti-semite, UN chair on HRC complains that Hamas didn’t have the same technology! Talk about the rogues gallery and antisemitism at UN !!  

US formally responded to bomb ISIS after the American public saw gruesome beheading of James Foley, and other western personnel. But the beheadings and mass shooting of Iraqi and Syrian solders, including citizens & especially minorities, have been a routine ISIS activity. UN is is not only feckless, but toothless too.